Friday, 1 October 2010

My first ever blog

Well eventually I had to do it ......
That is type something down, somewhere so I have memory of us during our house building days.  Both Flora (my wife) and I agree that we have about the same memory capacites of goldfish.  So in years to come all those frustrations, reasons why we did such things will be completely covered up by rose tinted glasses.  This actually may be a the best idea considering the enormity of the task.  We both feel that building a house from scratch is a huge responsibility which isn't to say that we're not enjoying the design process it's just quite important knowing that this house is the place we are going to centre our lives around for many years to come.

Let me give you the basics.  This of course I'm assuming that someone is actually interested in our smallish project.  We have managed to buy 1/4 acre of land just off the High Street in Bruton, Somerset.  My family has lived in the beautiful small Saxon town ever since I was four years old.  Having flown the nest after university I returned in 2004 to help run the family business - Mill on the Brue Activity Centre.  I'll go into the relevance of the family business later (if I remember).  My wife Flora is creative to say the least and I've also learnt that she's far better at the detail than I ever will be (good thing at least someone is).  We have two girls Polly aged 2 3/4 and Isla 9 months.  As I type both of them have woken up and are now chatting, help! Mum is still asleep I would love to have more uninterrupted time to do type some thoughts!

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