Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Is the end really in sight?

Sometimes I forget how the house build has progressed in the last few months.  Only by showing friends around who haven't visited for a while so they remind us of all the changes and developments, so thank you all!  I haven't written anything for a few weeks as it's been so busy with either making decisions or trying to run away from it all by going on holiday.  It's a hard thing trying to collect my thought together in order to attempt to convey all the multiple decisions and anguished moments we have had over the last stages of the build of Ropewalk House.  All the things you can see are Flora's domaine apart from the lighting.  I know it must be so hard to try and get the interior 'right' (whatever that is) but I have my limitations and I've been told to decorate the study which in turn means I have a limited say in the rest of the house.  Actually that's good news for all of us!  Flora has a better idea of what colour shade matches with what and I'm just not as focused as I would be if you wanted to have a conversation about the wonderful world of rain water harvesting or insulation.

So we have a count down which has now been set in stone as my lovely mother has booked for her and  our girls to fly to Ireland at the end of May to visit my sister during their half term break.  This provides us with the perfect and in fact only opportunity to move from Pottery Cottage before Mill on the Brue's busy season begins and Flora's end of the summer term madness.  I can't quite believe we're actually going to be moving after such a long time talking, planning and deliberating about this all engrossing project.

We had a really product morning on Thursday finalising the lighting, tiles and looking at a stone mantle piece in Frome Reclamation yard.  So it's coming together just as long as Flora can make a decision about what type of flooring Andrew is going to put down!

I took a quick video clip showing the kitchen / living area.

Flora delighted with her rounded corners

Ok I hate my photo being taken but I do really like the snug's mantel piece - elm (we won't see the inspection panel in order to see inside the chimney)

The main stairs
Flora trying out the monk's stairs
The thermal store taking up a bit too much room preventing some linen shelves being installed

Wessex Water finally arrived (only the third date they had given me) & used divining rods to locate the water pipes!